B.A.S.E. Visit Inspections

What is a B.A.S.E. Visit?

The City of St. Charles offers B.A.S.E. (Building Assessment and Safety Evaluation) Visits as a courtesy service to anyone looking to open a new business in St. Charles. These visits help identify potential zoning, building, or fire code violations that may need to be remedied before the new business occupies the space. 

Potential business owners should consider scheduling a B.A.S.E. visit if:

  • there is a change in use form one commercial use to another (like turning a former retail store into a restaurant); 
  • renovations are needed, but you are unsure of permit requirements; or
  • this is your first business and you are unsure what to look for in a space. 

Download a sample B.A.S.E. Report.(PDF, 755KB)

When should the visit be scheduled?

Ideally, the visit should be scheduled before signing a lease or purchasing a property. Why? Because the B.A.S.E. Visit could reveal costly code requirements that need to be remedied (like adding a new sprinkler system or elevator) before occupancy can be granted. 

Who attends the B.A.S.E. Visit?

Generally, City staff members from Economic Development, Building and Code Enforcement, and Fire Prevention will meet the applicant and the applicant's architect at the site. The property owner or real estate agent may also be present to give the B.A.S.E. team access to the property. 

Schedule your B.A.S.E. Visit today!